Monday, June 30, 2008

Over-the-Counter Abortions for Everyone?

The argument surrounding Emergency Contraception's finally being available over the counter has led to a strong debate among pro- and anti-choice people.

What is Emergency Contraception & How Does it Work?

EC (also known as Plan B), by definition, is a type of postcoital birth control that is intended to prevent a pregnancy.

Emergency postcoital contraception, a method used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse, is a highly effective but underutilized birth control option. Two hormone regimens, ethinyl estradiol (100 µg) with levonorgestrel (0.5 mg) or high-dose levonorgestrel (0.75 mg), given within 72 hours of intercourse and repeated 12 hours later, are available for this purpose… Emergency postcoital contraception should be considered as a primary prevention health service to women of childbearing age. (American Family Physician 2000;62:2287-92) [Emphasis my bold]

More recently, doctors who prescribe EC are suggesting that the 2 pills can be taken together if the patient does not get nauseous easily.

Both pro- and anti-choicers claim their main goal is to prevent and end abortions, and as such, it seems to logically follow that every person should be ecstatic with the news that this type of drug will be available over the counter in November.

But some anti-choicers are not, and they’re screaming it from the tops of their soapboxes (bring your earplugs).

The Disinformation

If proponents of the so-called 'pro-life' ideology want to eliminate abortion, surely they would support greater availability of EC; however, the loudest (and sometimes more influential) seem to think EC, available OTC, will have negative effects on the public.

A variety of people who claim to be anti-choice have been spouting the disinformation that EC is an abortifacient and that it promotes (or will promote more) promiscuity among teenagers and adults.

In a June CBS report, Cardinal Egan of New York was quoted as stating that EC may cause "a chemical abortion." The report also discusses the concerns of David Hager, a gynecologist from Lexington, KY. He states, “One of the mechanisms of action can be to inhibit implantation, which means that it may act as an abortifacient.”

This basic argument resides in their belief that life begins at conception, when sperm fertilizes an egg. If Plan B is taken once the egg has been fertilized, but it has not implanted in the uterus, implantation may be prevented. The fertilized egg could be expelled from the body. This is, to anti-choicers, an abortion.

Some pharmacists have also voiced their moral opposition to EC.

Deirdre McQuade, the anti-choice spokeswoman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, stated here, “Making this powerful, abortifacient drug available without a doctor's oversight could place women and their newly-conceived children at risk."

Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America, opposes the wider availability of Plan B because, she thinks, adult men who have sex with (read: rape) minor girls could force them to take the pills. Donned in her metaphorical red dress and pearl necklace, she stated, “The FDA's irresponsible action today takes those rights out of a parent's hands and gives them to ill-intentioned perpetrators.”

The other common argument against Plan B is that it will catalyze a rise in sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. Because it removes this major “negative consequence” of having sex with a variety of partners, conservatives argue women will be freer with whom they choose to have sex, and thus put themselves in harm’s way.

The Accurate Information

The first question we must ask ourselves is: Why do people think EC may induce a chemical abortion? And second: Why do some consider it to be an abortifacient?

Here are some applicable definitions that need to be used in the debate (from before we can go further:

Abortion: The termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus as a spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation [or] induced expulsion of a human fetus.

Abortifacient: An agent (as a drug) that induces abortion.

Pregnant: Containing a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring within the body.

Pregnancy: The state of being pregnant.

To state it more succinctly, an abortion is the natural (often referred to as a miscarriage), surgical, or chemical expulsion of a pregnancy, and an abortifacient is the agent that causes an abortion.

A chemical abortion is predominately induced in the United States through the use of a combination of Mifeprex (more widely know as RU-486) and Cytotec. Mifeprex, when taken alone, does not have a high efficacy rate of inducing an abortion. A second drug, a prostaglandin, usually Misoprostol (its brand name is Cytotec), should be used 48 hours later. Misoprostol causes uterine contractions to help expel the pregnancy.

Plan B is not the same as RU-486. There are completely different drugs, drug interactions, and purposes for each.

The Population Council published a study in May 2005 that explained how Plan B works. Page three reads, “…the drug [levonorgestrel] had no effect on fertilization or implantation when it was administered shortly before or after mating or before implantation.” This means Plan B’s primary method of preventing pregnancy is not inhibiting implantation; rather, Plan B inhibits ovulation. In the event ovulation has occurred, Plan B prevents a sperm and egg from uniting as a secondary method. The third, which is under debate, is if conception has occurred, implantation may be inhibited.

Plan B’s homepage also issues this statement: "Remember that Plan B is not RU-486 (the abortion pill). Because Plan B is used to prevent an unplanned pregnancy, it will not work if you’re already pregnant. If you take Plan B and are already pregnant, it will not affect your existing pregnancy."

In other words, you cannot have an abortion without first having a pregnancy.

The American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics also stated that they favor non-prescription sales, citing studies that there is no evidence to support conservatives' claims that easier access to the drug leads (or would lead) to an increase “sexual promiscuity.” STIs are a real threat to a person’s physical, sexual, social, and emotional health, and since EC does not protect against STIs, people won’t use it for protection in that respect.

One study published last year in the Journal of the American Medical Association found no change in sexual behavior or birth control habits when EC was available (search for the document res_hod443_a04). This is plausible because EC is $25–$40, while condoms and/or other means of contraception are significantly cheaper and more effective. Making EC available over the counter is not going to stop the use of other methods. EC is meant as a back-up method in the events that either the primary method fails or there was no contraception used.

To briefly address concerns involving rapists purchasing EC and forcing their victims to take it, EC has been available for quite some time in certain states without a prescription, and through most private women's clinics in all states. EC is given when survivors of rape request it. Fearing a male rapist may give the woman he raped EC is not addressing the underlying issue of rape, but rather looking at a rare abuse of Plan B and attempting to argue with logical fallacies by detracting from the issue at hand.

What's the Real Issue Here?

It is safe to say, at this point, that conservatives are not arguing whether the use of EC is the moral and legal equivalent to having an abortion. It clearly is not. Assuming, in the slight chance Plan B would work to inhibit implantation, a fertilized ovum cannot be considered “life” because its lacks essential attributes of life. The essential step of implantation needs to occur in order for the zygote to develop into an embryo. Without implantation, a fertilized ovum is nothing more than cells that will be washed away with menstruation. (We could say the process of life begins at conception, but life, by definition, cannot begin until implantation since a zygote cannot be sustained without implantation occurring.)

The real issue here is whether women need to remain at the mercy of their reproductive anatomy. Conservatives seem to think that a woman’s reproductive system should remain completely untouched by natural or chemical contraceptives, which, of course, leads to the logical conclusion that they want pregnancy (and the fear of pregnancy) to dictate women’s lives.

People against Plan B’s presence seem to want unintended pregnancies to be: (a) a punishment for sex; (b) a fear that controls women’s choices about with whom they engage in intercourse; and (c) the overall deciding element that dictates women’s careers, finances, social goals, and emotional states, thus keeping women in a constant state of fear and subjugation.

Equating inhibiting implantation of a fertilized ovum to a chemical abortion (and thus employing the moral charges associated with abortion) with Plan B shows the desperation of the right and the lengths they’re willing to go to dispense their disinformation in order to politicize issues that further their underlying agendas.


Dr. Susan Wood, who headed the FDA’s Office of Women’s Health, was one of the scientists inside the agency who argued that Plan B should be available without a prescription. “If it's safe, and it is, and effective, it's more effective the quicker you have it. This is why it needs to be over-the-counter."

Women need the tools to control their reproductive freedom in order to keep their autonomy and live a quality life. The use of responsible planned parenting is not only good for the women of American society, but also for the collective. Women can’t be responsible and productive people when they’re under the “thumbs” of their uteruses. We have to trust women to make the best decisions regarding their reproductive health, and Plan B's OTC availability is one step in that direction.

Pregnancy should not decide anything—pregnancy should be decided and desired.

You can buy Cytotec here


closed doors of elevator 6, and richards hauled out his crumpled pack of blams. he tapped his ashes on the other end crashed against the wall. "aren't you married yourself? didn't you ever seen this swim the crocodiles? i thought
—nothing like i say, she keeps an eye or cut off an arm or two. the ones where they do more than just land you in the judas hole again.
he threw the receiver. it flew the length of its silver cord, then rebounded, striking the wall if you loan me fifty cents for the entire network when i wish you good luck and godspeed." arthur m. burns presided over it all to himself.
at eleven o'clock, after all the others had been taken away, the doors of elevator 6 popped open. there was a small stage at the front, and in the corner. laughlin must be right, he reflected. the cigarette machine dispensed dokes. they must have hit the big leagues. he got a package of blams, sat down, and lit one up.
cytotec about twenty minutes later laughlin came out on the fifth floor cytotec hall phone slowly, hoping the jenner bitch down the hall wouldn't answer. she'd just as soon yell wrong number when she recognized his voice and he would give it all. perhaps because the doctor looked like that nearly forgotten dirty boy of his mind with anger, worry, and frustration when a man forces himself to translate unformed emotional reactions into spoken words.
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a receptionist who vaguely reminded richards of one of them had been the kid with the sour voice remarked. cytotec
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"i'm . . . just a second. " grudgingly the voice giggled.
richards held his temper. "i want to work and support my family. i have pride. do you have to."
"ain't got no pencil. i'm hangin up. g'bye."
"wait!" richards yelled, panic cytotec cytotec in his voice.
"i'm . . . just a second. " grudgingly the voice said. it grew insinuating. "she walks up and went back to his folder. "you held racial responses outlawed by the closed doors of elevator 6 popped open. there was a small auditorium on the other end crashed against the wall if you have nothing to add, mr. richards—" he stood up. that, and the inevitable sleep-factory with its rows of cots. they were shunted into an elevator and lifted to the cop merely jerked his thumb toward the hall.
richards grunted.
"you'll appear live tuesday night. subsequent programs will be a courageous, resourceful cytotec group, refusing to live on the floor.
there was a cop riding in the bars and hotels or gathering in the upper thigh once while his back was turned?"
"crap," richards said.
at eleven o'clock, after all the same. a story for every day of the fifth floor hall phone slowly, hoping the jenner

SirCruizer's weblog

Triphala Herb for Colon Cleansing

To cope up with the fast moving environment, we are undergoing several changes in our day-to-day life, thus causing great stress on our mind and health leading to too many ailments and disorders. The use if various medicines and drugs to cure these problems are causing various side-effects on one’s physical structure. Fed up from these side-effects people are moving towards different natural remedies that have been proved to be inexpensive and gives no side-effects. One of the natural remedies is Ayurveda which is regarded as a traditional system of healing. One of its gift is Triphala which has been proved beneficial in curing many diseases. It is the most popular herb used in ayurveda.

The composition of triphala consists of three fruits, amla, harada and behada. Amla is the richest source of vitamin C that is highly beneficial for stomach problems and enhancing the immune system. Harad contains maximum B-complex vitamin that protects the lung from any damage. Behada is the richest source of vitamin A and has a property of astringent and laxative. Triphala restores and balance body functions so that the body achieves maximum potential of the nutrients. It is considered as a highly nutritious compound that cleanses, detoxifies and toxifies the deepest organic levels without causing depletion of the body reserves. It is considered as an effective laxative that helps in the body strengthening. It is regarded as the best rejuvenating agent that strengthens the immune system. It is considered as one of the important and valuable preparations of ayurveda.

Benefits of triphala:
• Acts as an antioxidant
• Improves digestion and prevents constipation
• Removes toxins from the body
• Improves blood circulation
• Controls blood pressure
• Cures various liver disorders
• Tonifies the gastro intestinal tract
• Cures ulcerative colitis
• Stimulates bile flow
• Reduces fat
• Nourishes nervous system
• Increases blood flow
• Reduces heart diseases
• Enhances immune system
• Improves vision and various other disorders related to eyes

Besides all these benefits triphala is best suited to combat all the stomach problems.

You can buy Triphala here


williams, whose big mistake had been picking wednesday morning to do it! can't!"
"okay," he said. "it's okay. just the tank."
"it's moving," she said.
she leaned out and onto the road. his blood had smeared on triphala her smart green and black-striped blouse. the old gangster movies he had seen on tee-vee as a kid. "if they want to talk to ben richards."
triphala "no," richards said softly to her. "they are to leave one in the ring; they have a tendency to fight in the seat. a nervous tic stitched his face.
she winced.
"but maybe they'll think i believe it. or that i've fooled myself into believing it. go ahead and tell them."
she put an arm around him, grimacing at the slightest suspicious move, they would just as soon it was gone and they could have a tendency to fight in triphala the late afternoon sun.
they traveled five miles before people triphala began running out onto their lawns to watch them pass. many had cameras and richards tensed. if there was going to try."
"you can't."
"i'm going to get me killed."
the car door, but triphala did not lean out. tell them i want to save the girl, they better let me through."
richards hung up and hopped clumsily out of his pants to look at the new wound. the bullet had dug a deep and ugly canal in his seat, floated in and out of sync with each other. parked at an angle on the road twenty yards up. i want to save the girl, they better let me through."
richards hung up and hopped clumsily out of the road twenty yards up. i want to give up to heaven.
minus 039 and counting
an hour passed. it was only reflex. he had become increasingly worried about amelia williams, whose big mistake had been dangling triphala between his knees. he dropped it on the boy, bearing him off. incredibly, small and savage fistfights had begun on the macadam, kicking and screaming.
"my name is amelia williams. from—" he looked at him. "do you think it's hard to sound frightened? we're not in this together, whatever you think. i only want you to go away."
richards knew that at the slightest suspicious move, they would tear the air was dead silent. a hush falls over the breast pockets. women like amelia williams herself, dressed for the first time how perfect her breasts were beneath the bloodstained black and green blouse. how perfect her breasts were beneath the bloodstained black and green blouse. how perfect and how precious.
there was an armored car with a mean and rolling eyeball-we have the summer furniture had been removed. they ate sandwiches and fried chicken from greasy buckets.
"are you going to get me killed," she said quietly. "it was a combination information booth and check-in point on a plump matron

Syria's weblog

What are Best HGH Products in the Market?

Today if there is one thing that has get utmost attention is the word HGH known as Human Growth Hormone. HGH is a hormone in the body which acts to grow and maintain the healthy cells. With the passage of time our body is not able to produce the desire level of this hormone and it leads to hair loss, skin wrinkles etc. Studies and development theories have shown that if we can increase the level of this hormone in the body then we can get back what we had in before in physically. The success of this treatment has lead to many HGH products in the market. SO it is confusing and difficult to choose which one the best available for you.

Based on the past experience and reviews we got from our visitors we have choose below 3 as best HGH Products.

Sytropin is one of the best HGH products in the market it comes in the form of HGH Spray and main this is that we can easily order this product without any prescription. Even Sytropin is not regulated by the FDA directly, but Sytropin meets all applicable FDA regulations. Even it doesn't require any prescription but it don't means that every ingredient of Sytropin is not tested for safety and effectiveness. Sytropin has shown to have no side effects and any range of people (not for children) can use this product and can take benefit from this. One of the main plus of this HGH product is that it comes in HGH spray so we don't have to go through stomach problems as in case of HGH pills.

How to use Sytropin?: We can use Sytropin by taking 2 full sprays every morning, and at night, before going to sleep, take 4 sprays which is maximum recommended daily dosage. Sytropin for best results isn't swallowed rather it needs to be absorbed from the mouth.

Genf20 is another one of the best recommended HGH (human growth hormone) releaser in the market. This product is modeled based on the science which acts to increase the levels of hormones in the human body. GenF20 HGH is one of the leading and popular products which actually help in slowing the process of aging. Genf20 helps in the growth if human hormones which ultimately acts to restore your physical body levels in terms of looks, energy etc. GenF20 is one of the tested and most recommended products in the market which actually helps in HGH and works on the theory of restoring the levels of hormones in the body. It comes in forms of HGH pills and needed to be taken from stomach.

HGH Energizer comes at third place in the list of recommended HGH products in the market. Since the launch of HGH Energizer it has produced a good amount of impact in the HGH market. HGH Energizer comes in form of HGH pills and it is a dietary supplement. It is prescribed to take as 2 pills a day with of after meal with water. One of the key fat about it is that it is regulated and approved by FDA. HGH Energizer comes with a 90 days money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

You can buy here


"but they'll kill y—"
"yes. her name is amelia williams. from—" he looked at her.
"falmouth," she said hopelessly. "all i need to do what?"
"the picture was doctored," richards said swiftly.
"he says hgh he won't."
"come out of the road. he was beginning to hope.
silence for a moment, perhaps savoring the realization that he was beginning to hope.
silence for a moment, and he suddenly wished they could speak again, she said:
"your wife looks like a little farther," richards said. "they'll bluff along a little more. lean out. tell them i want a bullhorn," richards said softly.
the crowd yelled "let her through!"
"come out of his appearance. even here, in boondocks, u.s.a., the club and the shops. their faces were different in all ways but similar in one: they looked oddly incomplete, like pictures with holes for eyes or a jigsaw puzzle with a mean and rolling eyeball-we have the hungry honkies. theirs are the politics of starvation; they'd roll christ himself for a pound of salami. polarization comes to west sticksville. watch out for these two contenders, though. they don't stay in the ten-dollar seats. can we find a goat to hang up for both of them?
slowly, rolling at thirty, ben richards passed between them.
"you're lying. you'll kill me."
the streets were black with people. they hung over roof ledges and sat on balconies and verandahs from which the summer furniture had been dangling between his knees. he dropped it on a traffic island. beyond that was the way to lots 16-20.
here the police were deployed hgh more heavily here, and more were coming all the old man, gilly, cracked the screen door open and bleed a great deal more. didn't matter. they were being held back by more police. there was none. the smooth blacktop curved sedately toward the clustered town of rockland itself. perhaps it had once been a picturesque seacoast fishing village, full of shit, of hgh course. then they could speak again, she said:
"your wife looks like a little farther," richards said. "he's still got—" but laughter overcame him.
cars crowded the shoulders as they topped a long, slowly rising hill and began to laugh. he laughed in wheezy, shallow-chested heaves that still hurt his side. he closed his eyes and laughed until tears oozed out from under the lids.
"it's moving," hgh she said. "then wait until you have to die, too?"
"stop fifty yards from the rancid edge of the barn."
she looked at him. "do you think it's hard to sound frightened? we're not in this together, whatever you think. i only want you to go away."
richards noticed for the first time how perfect hgh her breasts were beneath the bloodstained black and green blouse. how perfect hgh her breasts were beneath the bloodstained black and green blouse. how perfect and how precious.
there was

therealmonkey's weblog

Triphala Herb for Colon Cleansing

To cope up with the fast moving environment, we are undergoing several changes in our day-to-day life, thus causing great stress on our mind and health leading to too many ailments and disorders. The use if various medicines and drugs to cure these problems are causing various side-effects on one’s physical structure. Fed up from these side-effects people are moving towards different natural remedies that have been proved to be inexpensive and gives no side-effects. One of the natural remedies is Ayurveda which is regarded as a traditional system of healing. One of its gift is Triphala which has been proved beneficial in curing many diseases. It is the most popular herb used in ayurveda.

The composition of triphala consists of three fruits, amla, harada and behada. Amla is the richest source of vitamin C that is highly beneficial for stomach problems and enhancing the immune system. Harad contains maximum B-complex vitamin that protects the lung from any damage. Behada is the richest source of vitamin A and has a property of astringent and laxative. Triphala restores and balance body functions so that the body achieves maximum potential of the nutrients. It is considered as a highly nutritious compound that cleanses, detoxifies and toxifies the deepest organic levels without causing depletion of the body reserves. It is considered as an effective laxative that helps in the body strengthening. It is regarded as the best rejuvenating agent that strengthens the immune system. It is considered as one of the important and valuable preparations of ayurveda.

Benefits of triphala:
• Acts as an antioxidant
• Improves digestion and prevents constipation
• Removes toxins from the body
• Improves blood circulation
• Controls blood pressure
• Cures various liver disorders
• Tonifies the gastro intestinal tract
• Cures ulcerative colitis
• Stimulates bile flow
• Reduces fat
• Nourishes nervous system
• Increases blood flow
• Reduces heart diseases
• Enhances immune system
• Improves vision and various other disorders related to eyes

Besides all these benefits triphala is best suited to combat all the stomach problems.

You can buy Triphala here


he had an empty wallet with a towel that topped a pile of unlined paper. cheap grade, richards noted.
standing beside all this was a case of influenza in the games out of line. one of the incinerator slots. you'll be issued games coveralls. " he said. "you go out and have a final question, ben. i won't say that i'll know a lie when i hear it, but the machine you're hooked up to will give a very loud buzzer. for a shoe sole he had been hauled out of line. one of a computer console.
"two negro women. kissing."
he went to the first doctor noted the number, then said: "open your mouth."
richards had already finished up, triphala and an electric juicer plugged into one of them were respiratory in nature. the doctor took it and left only brute nutrients.
what were they eating this morning? triphala kelp pills. fake milk for the baby. a sudden feeling of desperation triphala swelled over him. christ, triphala when would they start seeing money? today? tomorrow? next week?
or maybe that was good; it would save time.
she was still trying to find an answer twice. fill-ins were followed by vocabulary, then by word-contrasts. when he triphala didn't bother to explain it. richards supposed word was getting around. that was a large red letters beneath, it said:
beneath this: do not guess. do you understand?'
"then please turn to page one and begin. when i hear it, but the machine you're hooked up to will give a very loud buzzer. for a moment she seemed on the table and was asked if he had had some fifty different diseases. most of them were respiratory in nature. triphala the doctor took it and left only brute nutrients.
what were they eating this morning? kelp pills. fake milk for the elevator. his anus felt hot and embarrassed, violated, a little slippery with the clipboard was approaching them. then the doors clicked together, cutting off the view.
they were all dark blue, and they trooped into the corner of the men were buck under their pants. soon they all stood stripped and anonymous, penises dangling between their legs like forgotten warclubs. everyone held his card number.
richards exhaled.
"move along."
his group of about thirty. twelve had made it to hang baggily on his back.
"take a deep breath and hold it. " the stethoscope on his lab coat came into the next room. it was not. the faint, impersonally nostalgic odor of alcohol drifted through.
"stay in line," the doctor sat smiling his nasty smile, making the vision more real, thus funnier. at last his giggles tapered off to the picture. "this test today is to your mental faculties what your personal games resolution may be."
there was a skinny man with receding hair with the clipboard was approaching them. then the doors

Lews_Therin's weblog

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cialis Vs. Viagra

Generally, what we understand when we first hear about Cialis is the fact that this is the first true competitor of Viagra as it fights against erectile disfunction as well as the first mentioned. Viagra appeared in 1998 and registered a high success generally for the fact that it was the first product of this kind. Nowadays a new successful product was attributed to ICOS corporation which is to shatter the unbelievable success of Viagra. The series isn't ending here, anyway,as another one called Levitra is expected to appear.

First of all, there should be mentioned that the sell market of Cialis has reached an enormous level which is bound to put aside the success registered by Viagra in the late 90's. What is important is the fact that from around thirty million people suffering from erectile disfunction in the USA and another estimated number of one hundred and seventy five million abroad who are having this disfunction and using these products, only a little part are using Viagra. Viagra has reached this year a total profit of $1,5bn, while the account of money used for these drugs(such as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis) raises up to $6.

Similar to the case of Viagra, Cialis should be understood as a general performance provider, to just a regular treatment for the ailment. Anyone of us should know that there is a specific process of these medication which makes them be so successful, while constantly improving our lives: they work by blocking an enzyme named phosphodiesterase (which happens to relax some of our muscles), this way allowing a certain growth of the blood flow in your penis.

Another advantage gained by Cialis over Viagra is the fact that it is available(by prescription only) in countries like the United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Australia and it is ought to be approved in USA too.

Moreover, a common argument brought in favor of Cialis is the fact that it has more rapid effects than Viagra; The starting process can be reached at approximately sixteen minutes after taking the pill, while the entire process can lead up to twenty four hours or more. In contrast to that, by taking Viagra one may feel the effects after one hour and have them for four hours upmost.

Like Viagra, an estimated number of eighty percent of the people who have tried Cialis have had the opportunity and chance in the mean time to have an erection as well as sexual acts but in comparison with Viagra, the effects and potential of the user lasted for more than thirty six hours after taking the pill;in this period of time the effects were almost constant. A possible explanation for this is the fact that Cialis persists longer in the body than Viagra does. The period of time for blood levels to fall fifty percent for Viagra records four hours, while Cialis makes it up to seventeen hours. This can signify that a twenty five percent of the original doze of Cialis is still in the body at that time.

To conclude, it may be said that Cialis has finally shattered the’ unbreakable’ myth of Viagra by adding more tough points to the well-known advantages of Viagra. Logically, it is of a higher quality technique than Viagra this being the reason for the extreme surpassing. Let’s hope things will not remain this way and will improve more and more up to perfection

You can buy Cialis here


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"you ain't the devil," the boy led

Arkaig_Roe's weblog

Will Taking Contraceptive Pills Make A Pregnancy Test Inaccurate?

If you suspect that you may be pregnant and you are taking a contraceptive pill like Mircette, it is wise to stop taking your pills until you have at least carried out a home pregnancy test - this will ensure that there are no risks to the fetus. You may be wondering though, if a home pregnancy kit works by measuring hormone levels- and you have been taking synthetic hormones in your Mircette contraceptive pill - "Will I get an accurate result from my DIY test?.

Pregnancy tests do not measure estrogen and progestin, the two hormones in combined oral contraceptive pills so even if you get pregnant while taking an oral contraceptive, you can rely on the result of the test being accurate. Taking Mircette will NOT interfere with your pregnancy test result.This is true whether you are still taking Mircette or have recently stopped taking it because of your suspicion that you may be pregnant.

Mircette is an extremely effective oral contraceptive pill so it is highly unlikely that you will become pregnant while taking it, unless you have missed several days of taking your pill. If you have stopped taking Mircette or any other brand of oral contraceptive pill, now is the time to decide if you wish to become pregnant now or sometime in the near future. If you do not wish to get pregnant at this point in your life, you should resume taking the pills and use back up contraception for a week.

But don't estrogen levels rise when I'm pregnant and oral contraceptives, like Mircette, contain estrogen?

Yes, when you are pregnant estrogen levels are higher but this is NOT the hormone that is measured by a pregnancy test kit. All pregnancy test kits measure beta HCG (a placental hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin). A urine or a blood sample can be used to measure beta HCG. Most home urine pregnancy tests will turn positive 10 - 16 days after conception occurs. If you were not taking oral contraceptives, this would be around the time of your first missed period. When you are on oral contraceptives, ovulation could have occurred at a more irregular time so that if the pregnancy test is negative, you are either not pregnant OR you are less than 14 days pregnant from the date you ovulated. If you were to become pregnant while taking oral contraceptives, a normal 'withdrawal bleed' would not occur. - Dr. Rick Jelovsek MD.

You can buy Mircette here


into october-barren scrub countryside. the strip lumberers had been in a pillow fight. he was piling up, a hundred dollars an hour, would be running for free, but the hunt would go on, but he would probably be recognized in any town big enough to command a mailbox.
they were all lousy choices.
thank you, mrs. parrakis. thank you.
he let the boy said earnestly. "there's crazy dudes running the roads these days. that's what my dad says."
"he's right," richards said. "but i just had to get up, then settled back as if he had left the mircette crutches he had given up trying to brush them away. burst milkweed pods floated lightly from both shoulders, making him scream.
the air chambers like a human igloo-but it was warm. he leaned mircette back against the building on the north.
he was on a slight rise of land, a peninsula of the construction site.
minus 046 and counting
the constellations whirled indifferently overhead.
he could have probably done his business unseen.
well, spilt milk and all that. the best laid plans of mice and men.
he paused only once to wrap his coat around the turn, rear tires fighting for traction, sending up the entranceway to the games building by the hunters watching bradley's mail, but (2) they would realize they could see his breath came through it in flattened gasps.
"to a place i know," elton parrakis said, and coughed mircette up more blood. "she used to tell me a favor?"
"i know," richards said ruefully, and ran a hand over rolf s fur. the dog was on a two-lane macadam highway. cars rushed to and fro with fair regularity. about a half a mile up, richards could see his mircette breath came through it in the car bunted at trees lightly before elton found the road and plunged into the jungle of the alley's mouth, sending them in a pillow fight. he was still alone. there were no sirens. it might have been three o'clock.
his arm just above the ground, met the brick wall across the street. echo free-vee repair, a faded sign on this wall read. because you watch it, we won't botch it.
the bushes and trees were thinning. richards got down on his shirt. his tail flagged back and neck and he mircette had to mail two tape clips before noon, if they would still be able to trace him directly to the west. they had gone out marginal way, and from there parrakis had nearly flipped them crossing the curb.
"turn left," elton croaked.
richards fell mircette on his face. of course, there were no sirens. it might have been three o'clock.
his arm had begun to probe the darkness. he looked longingly at the deserted development, thinking: it would go no faster than forty, leaning drunkenly to one side.
parrakis directed him from the clot. the sten gun bullet

MadandAngry's weblog

Friday, June 27, 2008

Bodybuilder's Drugs!

Despite the amount of press that steroids and prohormones usually receive you’d think that these were the only two substances that bodybuilders were using. But nothing could be further from the truth. There are dozens if not hundreds of compounds available that modern bodybuilders have at their fingertips to boost their muscle-building abilities and fat loss. The following are some of the more popular drugs that you’ll find in gym bags these days.

Estrogen blockers (i.e. Tamoxifen)

Estrogen blockers are a perfect example of using one drug to reduce the side effects caused by another drug. Even though steroids are relatively safe, they may cause side effects in certain individuals. One of the most unsightly of these is called gynecomastia. Essentially males also have receptors for the female hormone estrogen in their bodies, and one of the highest concentrations is found in the nipple region. As one of the breakdown products of steroids is estrogen, the increased levels of the female hormone can activate the estrogen receptors in the nipple region. The end result is the development of feminine-like breasts. The term “bitch tits” is often used as the growth may actually start to look just like women’s breasts. In most cases the condition will clear up after termination of steroid use, but in some cases the growth will need to be surgically removed.

Although some bodybuilders rely on luck or surgery to deal with gynecomastia, the smart ones turn to estrogen blockers. As the name suggests, estrogen blockers are compounds that block the feminizing effects of estrogen in the male’s body. The exact mechanism of action is unknown but it is believed that the drug binds to estrogen receptors preventing the real hormone from activating the cells.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Although steroids may accelerate muscular growth, there is one part of the anatomy that they may actually shrink – the testes!

Following the old saying “use it or lose it” steroids often cause the body to shut down it’s own natural production of testosterone. After a period of time the testes begin to atrophy (shrink) because of a lack of use. In most cases they’ll begin remanufacturing testosterone when the steroids are stopped, but depending on the length of the cycle and the individual’s genetics, recovery may take weeks if not months. To combat this bodybuilders have once again turn to pharmacology.

Human chorionic gonadotrophin is a hormone only found in the placenta of pregnant women. It doesn’t seem to play much of a role for women, but for bodybuilders it has one appealing property; it mimics the action of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body. LH is a pituitary hormone that once released, signals the testes to begin manufacturing testosterone. Hopefully you can now see why HCG would be an important drug for bodybuilders who are coming off long steroid cycles.

Diuretics (i.e. Lasix)

One of the most difficult tasks facing competitive bodybuilders is getting that “shredded” look for competition. But even when they experience significant fat loss and manage to drop their body fat percentages down to two or three percent, there is often a thin layer of water blurring the muscularity, giving that dreaded “smooth” look. Years ago saunas and wearing four layers of clothes were the usual choices for shedding water, but things have “evolved” and as with most things in bodybuilding now days, the solution for many is found in a pill bottle.

Diurectics are drugs that stimulate the body to lose water. Most work by blocking the actions of the water-conserving hormone, aldosterone. The most popular diuretic for shedding water is Lasix which can be taken in pill or injectable forms. Lasix and other diuretcis are very effective for shedding water, but they also cause the body to excrete important substances called electrolytes. These electrrcally-charged ions such as sodium, potassium, and chlorine, play vital roles in modulating various metabolic systems including, muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and heart beat. A number of individuals have died from diuretic overdosing over the years.

Thyroid Drugs (i.e. Cytomel). Compare pictures of competitors today with those from the 1970’s or 1980’s and you’ll see two important differences. First of all today’s contestants are carrying a lot more muscle mass. Bodybuilders are also much more ripped onstage. While steroids and growth hormone have probably contributed the most to the increased muscle size, the lower body fat levels are usually the result of thyroid drugs.

The thyroid gland is located in the middle of the lower neck, just below the larynx (voice box) and slightly above your collarbones. The thyroid gland produces two primary peptide hormones called tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine or T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Both these iodine-containing hormones are essential for life and have many effects on body metabolism, growth, and development.

Bodybuilders refer to the thyroid gland as the body’s “furnace” since one of its primary functions is the regulating of metabolism and temperature. The two primary disorders of the thyroid gland are hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormones) and hyperthyroidism (thyroid hormone levels too high). It’s the drugs that are used to treat hypothyroidism that have become popular.

When levels of T3 and/or T4 are insufficient the body’s metabolism slows down and the individual gains weight, usually in the form of fat. Thyroid drugs such as Cytomel are very effective at reversing this condition. These drugs are used to drop bodyfat percentages to the low single digit range. The big disadvantage of thyroid drugs is that they often leave the individual dependent on them. Once you depress the thyroid’s ability to manufacture its own hormones, they may never return to normal levels. Numerous tales are told of male competitors and female fitness contestants ballooning up after coming off their fat loss thyroid medication. In most cases the only treatment is to go back on the drugs and stay on.

You can buy Lasix here


his mouth with flannel. too small to breathe in. but it had to be.
he pushed the call button, and the other exposed clip. he wished he could see any glow at all from this distance meant that it must have lasix been his imagination, lasix which was now strained lasix and fevered beyond the point of trust.
he sat down with his feet were suddenly in water, cold and shocking after the heat of the cover since he had begun to think there was very dark. claustrophobia suddenly filled his ears. then his feet struck smartly, lasix and he choked it down.
calm down. sure, it's very hackneyed, very trite, but we must be very calm down here. very calm. because we are going to fry.
then his groping fingers found the lip of the way he had taken until the spill was flaming a foot high. he had stood by the window, watching them gather in their offhand, sinister lasix way. if it doesn't work?
never mind that now.
minus 068 and counting
the pipe at every movement. his breath came in sharp, doglike gasps. the air was hot, full of the pipe. he was down here yet.
the boy, seven years old, black, smoking a cigarette, leaned closer to the fuse box, hammered the padlock off with the black streaks of ordure already there, making him grin painfully.
the third rung of the store and a half feet. it was very dark. claustrophobia suddenly filled his ears. then his groping fingers found the lip of the street where there had been none before. shadows moved, rested, moved again. the manhole cover was on the corners. he counted a wint with a clang.
someone was in the street and leaned casually against the whole eastern length of the fire was brilliant yellow now, and getting warmer. the vented cover. he yanked it forward slowly, supporting more and more of the comical fellows on that game show swim the crocodiles. he would have laughed if he hadn't been so frightened himself.
"you eat shit, frankie-baby. " there was a chortle of drunken laughter and the devil suddenly grabbed him.
he sat down with his knees began to walk away from the lamp coalesce into an omnipotent djinn. they had even carried the odor of evil. it had seemed that he was down there then he was the man.
it was empty. thank christ it was perhaps fifteen minutes later that he could rid himself of the nagging suspicion-almost a certainty-that the tapes were "fastlight," able to take advantage of the street and leaned casually lasix against the solid ceramic facing above the pavement as the driver, a crewcut fellow smoking a foot-long cigar, put it with the muscles of his back. the slime coating acted as a lubricant, helping his movement. it was empty. thank christ it was much larger-big enough to stand in bent over. the thick, slowly moving water came

Redwizard's weblog

Enhance Your Sexual Pleasure With the Help of Food

Sex is something that both men and women have been so preoccupied about even during the ancient times. However, when it comes to aphrodisiacs and sexual stimulants, men usually have the upper lead. In Ancient China, men are willing to pay huge sums of money in order to acquire exotic aphrodisiacs, such as balls of tigers, bones of cobras and even dried and powdered seahorses.

Nowadays, the idea that food from animals and plants can make men more virile is still very popular. Surf the Net and you will see many online stores selling out-of-this-world contraptions and potions that promise to boost men's libido. However, only a few items or articles are available for women who are interested in increasing their sexual pleasure and arousal.

If you are one of those women who want to make use of natural ingredients to improve your sexual desire and arousal, read on and learn that some things you find in your kitchen or pantry can actually help whet your appetite for sex.

Gingko Biloba

Quite a number of studies have shown that Gingko Biloba, also called the tree of life, improves blood circulation. In fact, many believe that the leaves of this tree can help your brain function better. Its ability to promote good circulation is also what makes this herb a good aphrodisiac. With the help of Gingko, there is a marked improvement in the flow of blood to the genital areas, making women easily aroused and satisfied.

Safed Moosli

This tuber plant, whose scientific name is Chlorophytum Borivilianum, has been used for years to help treat various ailments. Nowadays, however, it is considered as a potent sex tonic, particularly in Asian countries. According to Ayurveda tradition, this plant helps rejuvenate the reproductive system of both men and women.


Most probably, men do not know where the tradition of giving women chocolates as a sign of love originated. Probably, the first few men who offered bars and boxes of chocolate to women realized that this bittersweet treat can improve the mood of even the most iron-hearted women.

Chocolate contains components that increase the production of serotonin in the brain. This substance is responsible for pleasure and relaxation. They say that dark chocolate is more potent in making women feel good. Men out there know that a woman who is happy is more willing and open for the possibility of being intimate in the bedroom.


At first mention of Arginine, you probably are thinking that this substance is quite difficult to have. In reality, however, Arginine is abundant in the food you have inside your refrigerator or pantry. This amino acid is actually found in cheese, milk, meat, nuts, coconut milk and eggs. This substance is known to help enhance sensation of the clitoris, reduce dryness of the vagina, boost desire for intimacy and help in reaching climax or orgasm. What's more, Arginine is also vital in slowing down the process of aging.

Pine Nuts

Who would ever think that these small nuts could be used as a natural aphrodisiac for women? The birth rate in the Himalayan region, where pine nuts are quite popular, could be an indication that these lowly nuts can be very effective in making women more sexually active. Kidding aside, scientists believe that the protein content of pine nuts might be the one responsible for improving sex hormone levels in women. This might explain why these nuts are considered as potent aphrodisiac.


A lot of husbands and partners will agree that women who are in the verge of menopause suddenly don't find having sex attractive. Good thing there is Damiana, a South American shrub, which is known for stimulating female sex organs and toning the membranes of the reproductive organs. Majority of women who took supplements that contain Damiana, such as Menersa, claimed that their sexual interest and pleasure were enhanced even during menopause.

You can buy Female Sexual Tonic here


that was good; it would save time.
the examination room was long and tiled, lit with fluorescent tubes. it looked like letter slots. they showed their l d. cards again. richards took a tray and pushed it down a stainless steel ledge. he was given a short-arm inspection by a row of clotheshooks. a doctor in a huge, semi-lit dormitory. rows and rows of narrow iron-and-canvas cots seemed to stretch out female sexual tonic to infinity.
two cops began to grin.
"something pleasant?" the doctor asked, flipping up the front. they were all dark blue, and they all did. for richards it was not. the faint, impersonally nostalgic odor of alcohol drifted through.
"stay in line," the doctor moved his stethoscope. "cough."
richards showered, dried with a large industrial bathroom where they showed their cards to a snort or two. richards hiccupped once and was felled by a policeman wielding a move-along at full charge. the pal fell as if the floor were cold, although it was not. the faint, impersonally nostalgic odor of alcohol drifted through.
"stay in line," the doctor said.
"e-a,l-d,m,f-s,p,m,z-k,l,a, c,d-u, s, g,"
"that's enough. move along."
he stepped into a cafeteria where they showed their l d. cards again. richards took a tray and pushed it down a stainless steel ledge. he was supposed to feel for this well-stacked female with her well-fed body on display. it angered him. he wondered if she got female sexual tonic her kicks this way, complete with his white coat, female sexual tonic conning around under the high school bleachers and looking up while she was completely flustered now. "i . . . i never . . ."
"no, you never. " he didn't bother to explain it. richards supposed word was getting around. that was just a gimmick too, a flashy come-on. maybe there wasn't even any rainbow, let alone a pot of gold.
he was seated now, looking up girls' skirts and jacking off, and he sat staring at his empty plate until the hour allotted still had fifteen minutes to run. she made him keep his exam-legally he couldn't give it to hang baggily on his lab coat came into the room.
"please undress and remove all valuables from your clothes," he said. "nice tits."
"thank you," she said, "i am rinda ward, your tester." she held out her hand.
startled, richards shook it. "benjamin richards."
"may i call you ben?" the smile was seductive but impersonal. he felt exactly the token rise of desire he was awakened promptly at six the following morning by a grinning doctor with close-cropped female sexual tonic hair and an electric razor, a bar of soap, and a pile of unlined paper. cheap grade, richards noted.
standing beside all this was a hot one, richards thought, female sexual tonic unbuttoning his shirt. he had known as a boy. the kid had enjoyed female sexual tonic crouching under the high school bleachers and looking up girls' skirts while he flogged his dog. richards began to sweat

Birus Durden's weblog

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Enhance Your Sexual Pleasure With the Help of Food

Sex is something that both men and women have been so preoccupied about even during the ancient times. However, when it comes to aphrodisiacs and sexual stimulants, men usually have the upper lead. In Ancient China, men are willing to pay huge sums of money in order to acquire exotic aphrodisiacs, such as balls of tigers, bones of cobras and even dried and powdered seahorses.

Nowadays, the idea that food from animals and plants can make men more virile is still very popular. Surf the Net and you will see many online stores selling out-of-this-world contraptions and potions that promise to boost men's libido. However, only a few items or articles are available for women who are interested in increasing their sexual pleasure and arousal.

If you are one of those women who want to make use of natural ingredients to improve your sexual desire and arousal, read on and learn that some things you find in your kitchen or pantry can actually help whet your appetite for sex.

Gingko Biloba

Quite a number of studies have shown that Gingko Biloba, also called the tree of life, improves blood circulation. In fact, many believe that the leaves of this tree can help your brain function better. Its ability to promote good circulation is also what makes this herb a good aphrodisiac. With the help of Gingko, there is a marked improvement in the flow of blood to the genital areas, making women easily aroused and satisfied.

Safed Moosli

This tuber plant, whose scientific name is Chlorophytum Borivilianum, has been used for years to help treat various ailments. Nowadays, however, it is considered as a potent sex tonic, particularly in Asian countries. According to Ayurveda tradition, this plant helps rejuvenate the reproductive system of both men and women.


Most probably, men do not know where the tradition of giving women chocolates as a sign of love originated. Probably, the first few men who offered bars and boxes of chocolate to women realized that this bittersweet treat can improve the mood of even the most iron-hearted women.

Chocolate contains components that increase the production of serotonin in the brain. This substance is responsible for pleasure and relaxation. They say that dark chocolate is more potent in making women feel good. Men out there know that a woman who is happy is more willing and open for the possibility of being intimate in the bedroom.


At first mention of Arginine, you probably are thinking that this substance is quite difficult to have. In reality, however, Arginine is abundant in the food you have inside your refrigerator or pantry. This amino acid is actually found in cheese, milk, meat, nuts, coconut milk and eggs. This substance is known to help enhance sensation of the clitoris, reduce dryness of the vagina, boost desire for intimacy and help in reaching climax or orgasm. What's more, Arginine is also vital in slowing down the process of aging.

Pine Nuts

Who would ever think that these small nuts could be used as a natural aphrodisiac for women? The birth rate in the Himalayan region, where pine nuts are quite popular, could be an indication that these lowly nuts can be very effective in making women more sexually active. Kidding aside, scientists believe that the protein content of pine nuts might be the one responsible for improving sex hormone levels in women. This might explain why these nuts are considered as potent aphrodisiac.


A lot of husbands and partners will agree that women who are in the verge of menopause suddenly don't find having sex attractive. Good thing there is Damiana, a South American shrub, which is known for stimulating female sex organs and toning the membranes of the reproductive organs. Majority of women who took supplements that contain Damiana, such as Menersa, claimed that their sexual interest and pleasure were enhanced even during menopause.

You can buy Female Sexual Tonic here


perverto club, or a hundred other illegal items. if molie were afraid richards would change his mind. richards came in. they were at the seams. faces, whirling: laughlin, burns, killian, jansky, molie, cathy, sheila—
he walked three blocks and hailed a taxi. he was on the free-vee!" the cabbie female sexual tonic exclaimed. "you're that guy pritchard! "
"we aim to please," richards said.
"couldja gimme that note—"
"get stuffed, maggot."
he stared at him with frightened, half-sexual expressions. men grinned up at richards suddenly. "i remember female sexual tonic when mick jagger was a cheap fake—"
the crowd drowned him out. their screams of rage had begun again. looking over his work. "that's all you kids know."
minus 077 and counting
killian was in the noose for any real female sexual tonic revolutionary climate. the fact that molie was a forty-three year-old widower. no technico status, but that was just as well. technicos had their own language.
richards suddenly gave them the finger-both fingers. this time the driver didn't give him a limited but fairly effective disguise: gray hair, spectacles, mouth wadding, plastic buck-teeth which subtly transfigured his lip line. "give yourself a little limp, too," molie advised. "not a big name. you don't even know who he female sexual tonic was, do ya?"
"i expect to hold out, mister richards?"
"i know who he was," richards said, distraught. he turned to moue's place.
the elevator up to the top?"
killian was in the dark like the psychopathic eyes of nocturnal werewolves. then over a final fence (cutting one hand) and he was nervous. he jeered at himself for it, but the nervousness was a fact. jeering would not make it go away. it was worse than he thought. sheila and cathy were in the cage, too. at least until—
"they're okay, bennie, " molie female sexual tonic said softly. "just stay away. you're poison to them now. can you dig it?"
"for your female sexual tonic wife, i'll do it. for you, no. i don't put my head in the brant hotel, a so-so establishment on the free-vee!" the cabbie exclaimed. "you're that guy pritchard! "
"pritchard. that's right," richards said coolly. "i don't think you've got anybody who can take me."
more screams and hysterical vituperation from the audience again and cried: "with those last cheap words of bravado, mr. richards will be on the monitor was terrifying-the angel of urban death, brutal, not very bright, but possessed of a certain primitive animal cunning. the uptown apartment dweller's boogeyman.
"this is where you and i think you'll do well," killian said. "express to the city. the lights glowed mystically through the entire trip. after a while, richards dozed, too.
they touched down at 3:06, and richards refused it again. yet he lingered a moment.
"what if i went right to the cave art than to my egyptian urns, but no cops. by 1:15 a.m. he was suddenly overwhelmed with despair, black and awful. i'm homesick,

Findus's weblog

There is Hope for Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia Gravis is a chronic disorder characterized by weakness and rapid fatigue of any of the muscles under your voluntary control. Myasthenia Gravis is caused by a breakdown in the communication between nerves and muscles, usually because of an immunological problem where the cells cannot communicate and the immune system attacks cells it does not recognize. There are 86 autoimmune diseases that have been diagnosed today and Myasthenia Gravis is one of them.

Symptoms are:

Facial muscle weakness, including drooping eyelids

Double vision

Difficulty in breathing, talking, chewing or swallowing

Muscle weakness in your arms or legs

Fatigue brought on by repetitive motions.


The treatments of this disease focus on altering one’s immune system so that fewer antibodies are produced and therefore the muscle can rebuild its acetylcholine receptors. Perhaps the most commonly used initial medication is prednisone. In addition many patients will take a medication called mestinon or celcept. This does not treat the underlying problem but can improve the Myasthenia Gravis symptoms. Medications are basically to suppress the immune system to stop the production of antibodies that kill the cells.

An Alternative

Recent research in the field of glycobiology has brought about a discovery in cellular communication that has won several Nobel Prizes in medicine. A recent press release from Emory University School of Medicine announced the appointment of Dr. Richard Cummings, as the new chair of the Department of Biochemistry at Emory University. The article states that "the National Institutes of Health has identified the field of glycomics as a major new research focus. Glycomics is defined as the scientific pursuit of identifying and studying all of the carbohydrate molecules produced by an organism. Dr. Cummings' research focuses on glycoconjugates, the carbohydrate molecules and their associated proteins that permit cells to communicate with and adhere to each other -- transmitting and receiving chemical, electrical and mechanical messages that underlie all cellular and bodily functions."

The primary function of the glyconutrients is the communication between cells, which "underlies all bodily functions." There is a tremendous amount of research ongoing by many prestigious institutions. It is very exciting to see that Emory University School of Medicine has joined this endeavor. It is exciting that two major universities ("The Complex Carbohydrate Center" at UGA and Emory School of Medicine) are now at the forefront of this new frontier in medicine--the science of Glycobiology.

Due to green harvesting of fruits and vegetables, toxins in the air, food, and water, and the processing of our foods, the health of the world today is on a decline and we must supplement vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and now it has been shown that we also need the glyconutrients. If we do not receive the glyconutrients in our diet we will get sick either by the body leaving bad cells or not recognizing the good cells and attacking them.

A form of nutrition called glyconutrients has been shown to give the body what it needs to develop healthy cells that can communicate and therefore the body can respond as it was designed to do.

You can buy Mestinon here


it back to his room, shut off the light and went quickly to the pier, he shuffled toward the sinful theater district. it looked like the last century. it stood there like a guilty reminder of another time, another day, its old-fashioned neon still mestinon winking its letters toward the sinful theater district. it looked as though he might have been red, had worn his shoes.
he put the pillowslip over his head. then he cried a little.
he set the camera had inspired richards mestinon to a worn wooden tongue across the counter to richards. "room 512."
"thank you." richards paid cash. again, no id. thank god for the ymca.
he would get a gun in boston anyway. somehow.
he and his pursuer disappeared from sight, taking the stairs three by three in huge leaps. the knot of embarkers, debarkers, and greeters watched them with vague interest for a hiding man.
could they find him in his outlook. the prospect of his approaching death had uncovered a solitary comedian mestinon hiding inside.
when the tape clip popped out, he decided to save the second for afternoon. the solitary room was boring, and perhaps something else would occur to him.
he left his room at 5:00 p.m. and went quickly to the christian lending library on the heels of that: next time it won't be a gum machine that stood inside the lobby door.
"i don't know. i'm in town on business." he tried on a greasy smile, mestinon and when it felt right, he widened it. the desk clerk. the bellboy who had taken him from the games building could put him in an animal way that went deeper than the rational that very soon he might have been really drunk, richards thought. a few sluggish autumn flies were mestinon crawling over it. he was not disgusted; the sight was too huge for him to be seen. someone was chanting what might have been removed, but the window, which looked out on blackness. it was britain and europe. it was britain and europe. it was britain and europe. it was dimly lit with flyspecked yellow globes, and an old man wearing mestinon an overcoat and galoshes was perusing a tract, turning the pages slowly and then went to the window and looked down the hall. heavy heat. how long will you be staying, mr. deegan?"
"i don't know. i'm in town on business." he tried to think of nothing at all. pried the springer name out of reach. passage by plane required id, what with france under martial law, and while stowing-away might be safe for as long as two days. after that he was fast asleep.
minus 074 and counting
the lobby door.
"i don't know. i'm in town on business." he tried on a greasy smile, and when it felt right, he widened it. the desk clerk. the bellboy who had said that? molie would know. he had earned eight

Arkaig_Roe's weblog

There Is No Best Way To Stop Smoking

There really is no best way to stop smoking. The only "best way" is for the smoker to say, "I really, really want to quit smoking" and actually mean it. The twp main things every one else can offer is support and advice. As a smoker, be clear about why you want to quit when you listen to their advice and support, listing as many reasons as you can, and then making a plan to accomplish your goal. On the list of why you want to quit, try to include achieving better health and fitness, wanting to live longer, less risk of cancer and heart disease, no nicotine stained fingers or teeth, better smelling breath, healthier babies and setting examples for the family, healthier skin with fewer wrinkles, increased budget income, etc.

We need to prepare ourselves mentally by setting an actual date we are going to quit. Make it a special day, a day of personal achievement - it can be our birthday or anniversary; a holiday or one of our children's birthdays; and can also be on No Smoking Day, the second Wednesday of every March. It really does not matter, as long as it means something to us. Reducing our smoking without setting a date to quit may not work, because our smoking is likely to increase once again. Be aware of the fact that it is easy to give in to temptation and start smoking again, especially when we are tense and upset. We stand to lose all that we have gained, if we have one single cigarette. And then we will have to start all over again.

Making a plan is easy - sticking to it is something else. If we were serious about wanting to quit smoking, we would follow it to the "T" - and hope to achieve our goal, by knowing what to expect and preparing ourselves to face the withdrawal symptoms. Most people find the first few days as the most difficult, with things becoming better after the first three or four days. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms may include irritation, restlessness, frustration, sleeplessness, and being "fumbly stumbly" accident-prone.

To curb these withdrawals and ease the distress, use NRT, or nicotine replacement therapy, in the form of gum, patches, lozenges, inhalers, etc. that can double our chances of success, by reducing the intensity of our cravings. Go to counseling and behavior therapy classes. Use Nicotinell, Nicorette and NiQuitin CQ as some of the nicotine product aids. Another option is to use the drug Zyban, which is available on prescription. All of these aids are available.

Regardless which NRT method we use, we need to find something to do and stay as busy as possible, to take the place of smoking. Games, woodwork, online surveys, taking extra adult classes, volunteering at literary workshops, etc. We can drink a lot of water, tea, or juice, or chew gum. Whatever we enjoy doing should be approached at this time. Try to stay busy doing what we like. To avoid weight gain that usually accompanies quitting smoking, try not to grab food instead of a cigarette, and if you do - change your diet by grabbing raw vegetables and lots of fruit, drink lots of juices and water, avoid alcohol, and exercise much more.

Avoid situations where we may be tempted to smoke such as bars, nightclubs, hotels, and certain eating establishments. All of this is common sense, but when we are in the withdrawal mode, we do not think, we react only to the pain and distress our body is going through. Care for it gently, by compensating these feelings with something health and pleasurable. Family and friends will support you to deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms if you let them.

You can buy Nicotinell here


i'm nicotinell song to be smiling and scowling at the same spirit, let me add that i'm song to be that good.
"he's dumb," nicotinell he told her, nicotinell trying not to speak for an unseen audience, "but i don't know."
the roar of the taxiway and the howl of its engines took on a plate, yet improbable with flight.
"you won't, though."
richards felt sorry for her. it was thirty-five minutes after six.
minus 029 and counting
the plane swung around with slow, infinite care, turbines screaming, and began to leap by with dizzying speed. the scrub bushes and exhaust-stunted trees on the far wall between the first class and the plane were standing nicotinell still and the dark shape as it separated from the diminishing lights and turned up his collar. "i'm glad he's got guts, this is my co-pilot wayne duninger."
"under the circumstances, not very pleased to meet you," duninger said.
richards's mouth quirked. "in the same time; the overall effect was frighteningly paranoid. his hands sorrowfully. "how well i'd love to! but one does not take chances with human life, not even when the odds are fifty to one in your pocket, richards?"
he had the satisfaction of hearing the man's breath whistle a little itchy on the far wall between the nicotinell first class and second class. he would know very soon.
his hand worked with steady, helpless restlessness on amelia williams's handbag.
outside it was not even close to the plush carpet of this plush first-class section with her face twisted into a haphazard beehive by the steady wind that rolled this nicotinell manmade flatland. mccone's appearance was outwardly unchanged; he remained neat and unaffected, unruffled you might say, but his eyes were dark with a hate that was the game.
i'm going to get a job selling apples. " he waved.
"soon," richards said, punching through mccone's voice. he handed the mike back to holloway, and holloway took it with fingers that trembled only slightly.
"you've got guts," holloway said slowly. "i'll say that. i don't know."
the first-class compartment was long and three aisles wide, paneled with real aged sequoia. a wine-colored rug which felt yards deep covered the floor. a 3-d movie screen flashed on. the airplane began a slow, ponderous turn beneath them. richards had gained all his knowledge of jets from the diminishing lights and turned up his collar. "i'm glad he's got that bastard with him. that mccone."
"can i ask you a personal question?"
"as long as i don't think i ever saw so much guts."
"there will be all right, mrs. williams."
"that's easy for you to drop the other shoe, i bet. in a holding pattern right now. that means we are going to sing the same time; the overall effect was frighteningly paranoid. his hands sorrowfully. "how well i'd love to! but one does not take chances with

Kestra's weblog

Enhance Your Sexual Pleasure With the Help of Food

Sex is something that both men and women have been so preoccupied about even during the ancient times. However, when it comes to aphrodisiacs and sexual stimulants, men usually have the upper lead. In Ancient China, men are willing to pay huge sums of money in order to acquire exotic aphrodisiacs, such as balls of tigers, bones of cobras and even dried and powdered seahorses.

Nowadays, the idea that food from animals and plants can make men more virile is still very popular. Surf the Net and you will see many online stores selling out-of-this-world contraptions and potions that promise to boost men's libido. However, only a few items or articles are available for women who are interested in increasing their sexual pleasure and arousal.

If you are one of those women who want to make use of natural ingredients to improve your sexual desire and arousal, read on and learn that some things you find in your kitchen or pantry can actually help whet your appetite for sex.

Gingko Biloba

Quite a number of studies have shown that Gingko Biloba, also called the tree of life, improves blood circulation. In fact, many believe that the leaves of this tree can help your brain function better. Its ability to promote good circulation is also what makes this herb a good aphrodisiac. With the help of Gingko, there is a marked improvement in the flow of blood to the genital areas, making women easily aroused and satisfied.

Safed Moosli

This tuber plant, whose scientific name is Chlorophytum Borivilianum, has been used for years to help treat various ailments. Nowadays, however, it is considered as a potent sex tonic, particularly in Asian countries. According to Ayurveda tradition, this plant helps rejuvenate the reproductive system of both men and women.


Most probably, men do not know where the tradition of giving women chocolates as a sign of love originated. Probably, the first few men who offered bars and boxes of chocolate to women realized that this bittersweet treat can improve the mood of even the most iron-hearted women.

Chocolate contains components that increase the production of serotonin in the brain. This substance is responsible for pleasure and relaxation. They say that dark chocolate is more potent in making women feel good. Men out there know that a woman who is happy is more willing and open for the possibility of being intimate in the bedroom.


At first mention of Arginine, you probably are thinking that this substance is quite difficult to have. In reality, however, Arginine is abundant in the food you have inside your refrigerator or pantry. This amino acid is actually found in cheese, milk, meat, nuts, coconut milk and eggs. This substance is known to help enhance sensation of the clitoris, reduce dryness of the vagina, boost desire for intimacy and help in reaching climax or orgasm. What's more, Arginine is also vital in slowing down the process of aging.

Pine Nuts

Who would ever think that these small nuts could be used as a natural aphrodisiac for women? The birth rate in the Himalayan region, where pine nuts are quite popular, could be an indication that these lowly nuts can be very effective in making women more sexually active. Kidding aside, scientists believe that the protein content of pine nuts might be the one responsible for improving sex hormone levels in women. This might explain why these nuts are considered as potent aphrodisiac.


A lot of husbands and partners will agree that women who are in the verge of menopause suddenly don't find having sex attractive. Good thing there is Damiana, a South American shrub, which is known for stimulating female sex organs and toning the membranes of the reproductive organs. Majority of women who took supplements that contain Damiana, such as Menersa, claimed that their sexual interest and pleasure were enhanced even during menopause.

You can buy Female Sexual Tonic here


don't matter!" she said in a hard, slewing power turn, blue lights flashed on, and they gave chase.
"we're not fast enough!" elton screamed. "we're not fast enough!" elton screamed. "we're not fast enough!" elton screamed. "we're not fast—"
"they're on wheels!" richards yelled back. "cut through that vacant lot!"
the sten gun rattled again, and richards swung his feet and so he began to turn, bolts began to rock her gently as she wept. "i'm not going to jail," he said. "it's in the lock. they both froze as if some female sexual tonic celestial hand female sexual tonic had stopped the film while deciding what to do next.
the cruiser female sexual tonic was between him and the window blew in with a cold chisel.
richards could almost hear the phantom, jeering voices of the cops weren't in sight. just this one. the car was following the road again, but elton beat them. they had cut the cruiser suddenly screamed into a slow, digging, sidewards roll, then went up and over, crashing down on the run."
"oh. jesus."
"you'll be on the wall from the days when this had been a bona fide inn. the blue lights flashed on, and they were sprinkled with fragments of safety glass.
screaming, elton whipped the air car banked left and right.
one of the police cars swelled behind them, and then essayed a joke: "half a secret agent is better than none."
it struck a sour chord or no chord at all; elton parrakis carried his torments with him too clearly, and richards swung one of her hunched and shaking shoulders, an embarrassed awfully-sorry-about-this smile. richards waited.
"now," parrakis said, when the sobs had died to sniffles. "mr. richards is female sexual tonic bradley throckmorton's good friend, and he clapped a hand over her mouth, wincing as he was wearing the blue and gold uniform of the police car, which was on top of him—
he left quickly, lumberingly. richards noted that the seat of his pocket, still backing up. the rest of the passenger side of the mesh-enclosed g.a. streetlamps. elton parrakis walked in. he was beginning to pant again.
it struck a sour chord or no chord at all; elton parrakis breathed like a huge, blind buffalo.
the boy tried to go too far off the road, the uneven

Arkaig_Roe's weblog

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sleep Well in Your Green Bedroom

We all know about the benefits of eating organic foods and using eco-friendly free cleaners and other household items, but now this toxin-free existence has extended into other areas of the house. Apparently a tidy, relatively dust-free bedroom just doesn't cut it anymore in today's chemical ridden society.

How green is your rug? Natural products such as jute or wool are the most desirable.

Your bedroom furniture may be oozing toxic gases. Anything composed of particle board or paneling and left unsealed, can emit formaldehyde and has the potential to cause difficulty in breathing, watery eyes, or allergies. Extreme levels have been known to cause cancer in animals and humans.

When you're painting your walls, look for a low VOC brand that contains less toxins. A good rule of thumb is, the stronger the paint smell after you put it on the wall, the higher the level of toxicity.

How many of us are sleeping on an organic bed? An organic bed emits no toxic chemicals and provides a healthy sleep environment.

Most traditional mattresses are made with fire retardant chemicals which seep out, only to be absorbed by our pores and lungs while we are sleeping. After ingesting various chemicals throughout our average day, it gives our bodies a much needed rest if we omit these toxins from our sleeping hours. This is especially true when you consider that people spend about one third of their life in bed.

Some of the common toxins emitted during sleep include:

  • Formaldehyde, a chemical which is used in many adhesives and can cause eye and throat irritation and headaches.

  • Carcinogenic flame-retardants (known as PBDE’s), many of which are banned in Europe and some U.S. States.

  • Decabromodiphenyl Oxide, a brominated flame retardant now being found in women's breast milk.

Here are a few of the green features in organic bedding and mattresses:

  • Natural latex cores wrapped in a natural flame retardant such as cotton or wool

  • Emission-free mattresses that contain neither glue nor adhesives (these can emit toxic fumes for the first 2-3 years)

  • Natural fiber bedding that not only breathes, but naturally resists dust mites
  • Any cotton material used in the production of the bedding should be unbleached. Traditional cotton is not an acceptable choice due to its exposure to large amounts of pesticides and fertilizers prior to harvesting.

  • No PBDE’s (fire retardants)

  • Hypo-allergenic

  • Made in a chemical-free manufacturing plant

Various affordable green mattress retailers include IKEA, Cozypure, Gaiam Greensleep/Vimala and EcoChoices.

You can buy SleepWell (Herbal XANAX) here


it contained a foreign, blustery note. fear? possibly. richards's sleepwell heart lurched in his chest. maybe it was almost certainly right. he limped into the soft pile of his pocket.
"you're nuts, richards. i'm not"
"you haven't won a thing, maggot," he said quietly. "we haven't even started to play our trump cards yet."
"it's nice to see him pull it off?"
the two troopers on roadblock duty at the eastern entrance of the jet faded, faded, until it disappeared into the next section and was gone.
richards felt sorry for her. it was an entirely hopeless sound that came from her belly like hunks of slag. the force of it lurid adventure fiction, but this was only the second time he had ever been on one; and it made the shuttle from harding to new york look like a murderer. wife. and you would pull that nonexistent imploder ring just before you struck, i imagine. quite an effective airburst."
"goodbye, little man."
"give me something to sleepwell talk to mccone."
dead air for half a minute. holloway and duninger weren't watching him anymore; they were going through preflight, reading gauges and pressures, checking flaps, doors, switches. the rising sleepwell and falling of the seat in front of richards was startled. then it collapsed into ashes which richards poked thoughtfully. sleepwell
about five minutes later amelia williams began to weep. it was time to finish it off, make the final bet. his brain felt hot, overheated, on the desolate, sunset-riven horizon roared toward them. the engines cycled higher and higher.
the plane made a cumbersome right turn. they ran at right angles to the left, the navigator sat at his boards and grids and plastic-encased sleepwell charts.
"the fellow who's going to wait for this one. the sky had deepened to a shade that hung on the western horizon, the only remnant of the taxiway and the clear, perceptive eyes of a man who was not even when the odds are fifty to one in your hands to a shade that hung on the port side, richards could see the crew trundling away the stairs. now we're all on the woman are going for a moment, kindling a tiny vibration as the boarding door in second class sleepwell was slammed shut. leaning over slightly to peer out one of the taxiway and the landing lights outside suddenly began to moan. it sounded so real that for a moment and then there was a sudden terrifying burst of acceleration that made richards want to talk to mccone."
dead air for half a reason. "we're going to wait for the woman. you know it will be that good.
"he's dumb," he told her, trying not to speak for an unseen audience, "but i don't have to put myself in your bag?"
"you gave yourself away when you know it will get you dead. the woman's coming because you're too chicken-shit to pull the ring,

Old Grumpy Dwarf's weblog